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OK! i will be opening my current projects page !!! i have an alienware area 51 R2 case coming in from ebay soon and i want to post it here!!!

SO be sure to check out the projects page after here!!!


i finished Christmas shopping

easy work week!

using the 4k asus as my main monitor atm

thats all for now!




Archive :

UPDATE 12/7/2024 More Society Theories and Other Shit!

I FUCKING HATE AI!! ai is being trained off of YOUR work! i will NEVER use ai to creating ANYTHING! i support art, books, music,etc MADE BY REAL PEOPLE if you use ai your part of the problem

why are people so obsessed with their phones, i 100% prefer a desktop computer to browse the web and do other stuff, like i understand phone calls and texting but people are soooo obsessed with social media to the point where its all they do, even wile driving! like social media addicts are sheep too becasue whatever the losers on tiktok on insta say to do they do like consume fucking crumble cookie and buy shitcoins. i wish i could go to the 90s or 2000s and live there 2024 sucks...

happy stuff time!

ok! i recently acquired some new things! for example a psp 1001 which i started a umd collection for!!! i also got a 24" 2007 iMac, i got a atomic purple gameboy color and a grey OG Nintendo DS! as well as a new setup change and a 4TB Harddrive!!

PSP : i put custom firmware on it (ofc) and stole the MS from my 3000, this psp is a US one so x and o are normal, its super nostalgic and i love using it!

DS : its a Japan model but reads US games, its pretty cool!

GBC : my favorite color, atomic purple! i will be getting a everdrive for it

24" iMac 2007 : replaced my 2008 20" iMac ment for iPod syncing and os x mountain lion stuff (and old jailbreak stuff)

Media collection : yup! im starting a physical media collection! i have a few of my parents dvds and a few UMD movies at the moment! im getting a shelf for them soon!

PC Updates : so my Mag CRT is my main CRT again, i also acquired a asus 4k monitor from the Recycling Center and it works great! so its my CRT, Asus, iMac 27" and on top my Sony PS3 3D display, im using my g15 and mx518 and my alienware area 51 predator case!!!

Media Center: i am now using my 2011 Mac Mini as my media box, it has kodi, firefox and a new segate 4tb external HDD! i cloned my drobo to the segate drive and now my drobo is on a shelf for a backup, my white mac mini is extra atm... the mac mini 2011 runs ubuntu and hosts plex, and pihole and gets shut off at night to conserve energy.

main devices! my everyday carry is airpods pro, psp, iPod classic, flip mino, phone, wallet, keys! my main laptops atm are Lenovo thinkpad yogaX380(arch btw), macbook air (sequoia and mojave) and my surface pro 2 (windows 8,1) my main desktops are my 2013 iMac, my alienware Area 51 (sleeper) and my vintage machines are the iMac G3 Lime (rev c 1999, os 9) an iMac G4 (15" 10.4) my 24" iMac 2007 (10.8) and my dell dimension 4100 (windows 98 SE)

last misc bits

ive been busy ( i work 2 jobs all week and only get weekends off) so i dont have a ton of freetime anymore =( but i am making money instead of nothing so i dont mind!

i got Christmas gifts for my family and friend already!

my favorite youtubers atm are brewstew, burdie , the duck!

thats all for now!


UPDATE 8/20/2024 : Hello! i will post updates and other things im up to here!

10/6/2024 : Hello! ive been busy and have not been able to update this site (sorry) i will be (hopefuly) posting more! as of today and forever, i will not be posting AI related content or generated images, im against the fact that ai is stealing work and taking jobs. ALSO ive been focusing more on privacy so ive been doing things like SWITCHING TO ARCH (btw) i have been using linux sense july 2024 and i havent looked back! i still use a mac sometimes (i love apple duh) but my important stuff and my main computers run arch...I PROMISE I WILL POST MORE!

UPDATE 2! 10/6/2024, my "crumble cookie theory"
i have come up with a theory which i am calling "the crumble cookie theory" so to understand, crumble cookie is an over priced, high in calorie cookie place that the sheep of modern society consume becasue Social media says to, so if you consoom crumble cookie, your a sheep because who the fuck pays $6 for one cookie?! ohhh some popular tiktok loser says to eat it, so i must eat it too (bahhhh!) what i am saying is if you do something because social media says to, your a sheep and are part of the problem. FUCK crumble cookie AND its consumers. BE YOURSELF,JUST BECAUSE SOCIAL MEDIA SAYS TO SO SHIT DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO CONFORM AND DO IT TOO!!